Home-School Partnership
“It’s what parents do rather than who they are that counts” Charles Desforge
We believe that the partnership between home and school is very important. Parents are encouraged to keep in touch with what their child is doing at school. We post news regularly on the website and send home newsletters every week to keep parents informed of what is happening in school. Each term a curriculum overview is produced by each class teacher so that parents know the topics being covered. You’ll find any news specific to your child’s class via Class Dojo.
As parents you can help your children by talking and listening to them, by reading with them, supporting them ) and by generally being enthusiastic about what they are doing at school.
Parents Evenings: There are two parents’ evenings, one in the Autumn Term and one in the Spring Term preceded by an ongoing ‘Interim report’. Full Reports are sent home towards the end of the Summer Term and parents can request a meeting with their child’s teacher at this time if they wish. Naturally, parents are welcome to see the Headteacher and class teacher at other times if they feel they wish to discuss a particular problem with regard to their child. It is usually necessary to make an appointment so that the teacher is available.
All parents and children are asked to read and sign our ‘Home-School’ agreement, which is available on our policies page.