Curriculum /

Special Educational Needs

SENDCO: Miss McLoughlin


  • The school aims to meet the individual needs of all children and to provide access to a broad and balanced curriculum.
  • Not all children learn in the same way, or at the same pace, and some children will need extra help and support with their learning.
  • If your child is identified as having difficulties with their learning, you will be invited to discuss the needs of your child with the Special Educational Needs (SEND) Co-ordinator and the children’s class teacher. It may be that, in partnership, we are able to overcome the difficulties.
  • If more help is needed, the school may ask for the advice of the Learning Support Advisory Service and record the child’s needs on a form called an Individual Education Plan (IEP) or a group IEP, which you will see and add your comments, if you wish.
  • No decision about the special educational needs of a child, at any stage, is made without the knowledge of the child and the consent of parents. 
  • The SEND Co-ordinator or class teacher is always pleased to discuss any concerns that you may have about your child’s learning or progress.