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Staff and Governance

Senior Leadership Team and Class Teachers

Headteacher & Safeguarding Lead Mr D Westerby
Deputy Headteacher & Deputy Safeguarding Lead Mrs K Byrne
Assistant Headteacher & Deputy Safeguarding Lead Mrs R Hughes
Year Class Name Teacher
YR Stonehenge Mrs J Ralphs
YR/1 Big Ben Mrs J Walsh & Mrs J Leng
Y1 Eiffel Tower Miss J McLoughlin & Mrs Jones
Y2 Everest Miss Carr
Y3 Sphinx Mrs L Thornton
Y4 Taj Mahal Mr L French
Y4/5 Niagara Falls Mr J Crawshaw
Y5/6 Grand Canyon  Mrs K Byrne & Mrs S Myers
Y5/6 Golden Gate Mr D Bradshaw
PE Teachers Mr M Belston, Mr T Waddington
Drama Teacher Mrs K Ryder

For more information regarding our class organisation please see our Classes page.

Support Staff 

Miss C Crooks (Senior HLTA) Mrs J McAllister (HLTA)
Miss C Forrest (HLTA) Mrs L Seddon (HLTA)
Mrs R Horridge Miss J Phillips (HLTA)
Mrs S Crook (TA) Mrs J McAllister (HLTA)
Mrs A Rothwell (TA) Mrs K Poulastides (TA)
Mr A Butterworth (TA) Ms H Needham (TA)
Mrs S Edwards (TA) Mrs C Seel (TA)
Mr D West (TA) Miss J Roscow (TA)

Office, Welfare and Nursery Staff

Ancillary Staff:

Administrative Officer Mrs L Bradshaw
School Business Manager Mrs K Howard
Administrative Officer Mrs J Tod
Site Manager Mrs E Kay
Site Manager Mr J McCartney
Cleaner Mrs L Hill

Lunchtime Supervisors:

Miss J Roscow Ms M Worsley
Mrs E Aston Mrs R Horridge
Ms J Reece Mrs L Hill
Miss T Brooks Mrs C Tunbridge

Kitchen Staff:

Mrs J Nicholas Mrs V Hillam
Mrs K Pycroft  

Nursery Staff:

Mrs T Parker Mrs J Fletcher
Mrs M Aston Mrs J Hepburn
Mrs J Entwhistle  

Our Governors

Chair of Governors Jonathan Haworth

It is my honour to be Chair of Governors of our wonderful school. My children attended Holcombe Brook and I am passionate about working alongside the Leadership Team to ensure the best education possible for all children in our community. 

I am  Assistant Head at a secondary school in Leyland.


David Westerby

I became Headteacher of Holcombe Brook in September 2022. Prior to this, I worked for 18 years  in primary schools throughout the Royal Borough of Greenwich in South East London.

During my teaching career, I was an English specialist with an interest in developing children’s reading and writing through story telling, drama, film and art.  I was also fortunate to work as a facilitator on the National Professional Qualifications for school leaders, supporting local colleagues on the complex journey of leadership. 

I am passionate about inclusive classroom practice and providing a wonderful learning environment, where children can discover their interests, talents and develop a lifelong love of learning.


 Co Opted  Kerry Dawson

My youngest daughter attends Holcombe Brook and as a parent I was delighted to be able to support the school as a governor. Safeguarding children and promoting their right to access an inclusive and quality educational experience has been at the heart of my career. I have worked both directly with children and families and as a Service Manager for a large local authority.

I now run a small business delivering safeguarding support and training to schools and even manage to squeeze in some voluntary work with the NSPCC, a game of rounders and lots of dog walks.

I hope that my knowledge, experience, and passion for improving children’s outcomes will complement the work and skill set of the wider governing body.

Co Opted/ Vice chair of Governing Body/Chair T&L Committee Richard Ainsworth

Father of 3, educated locally, then the University of Liverpool and returned to the area in the early 1990’s where I’ve been ever since.

With a background in engineering, I’ve worked from shop floor to senior management, even a manager of a large local pub. I’m a company director for a small, local and long-established machinery business, dealing with all aspects of the company.

I became a parent-governor in 2008 to offer something back to the local community, school, pupils and parents alike.

Staff Governor Kathryn Byrne (Deputy Head)

I have been a member of the Senior Leadership Team at Holcombe Brook since 2015 after teaching for 11 years in a school in Lancashire. For the past 9 years I worked as either Assistant Head or Acting Deputy before being appointed Deputy Head in 2023. 

Since starting at Holcombe Brook I have been proud to be the Staff Governor, a role that underscores my dedication to collaborative decision- making and a commitment to representing the voices of our school’s invaluable team.

I have worked as a Key Stage 2 Moderator as well as an SLE in Bury and have delivered training courses across the borough for ECTs and KS2 teachers. At Holcombe Brook, I currently lead KS2, Curriculum, Assessment, Music, and Pupil Premium. 

My eldest child has just left Holcombe Brook after 7 successful and enjoyable years. My youngest is still  attending Holcombe Brook in Year 1 and I am also the Staff Commitee Member  on our very active and supportive PTA.

I am passionate about about empowering children, enabling them to showcase their capabilities and develop confidence in their own abilities. 

Parent Governor Laura Khan

Two of my children currently attend Holcombe Brook and being able to support such a fantastic school by being a parent governor is something I feel lucky to be able to do. 

I grew up in Bury and except for when I attended university in Loughborough, I have lived and worked in the area all of my life. 

As a trained primary school teacher and special educational needs coordinator (SENCo), with a masters in Educational Leadership and Management, I am passionate about ensuring all children have the right support in place for them to be able to access education and be part of a school community.

Co-opted Governor Chair of FPP Committee Janet Steer

My governor appointment at Holcombe Brook began in 2017, when my daughter started in Reception at the school. Being a governor and a parent at the school is  a great privilege, where the love of learning is instilled in every pupil. 

I am passionate about education and currently teach Design & Technology and Construction at a local secondary school. Prior to becoming a teacher, I held a management role as an Associate Interior Designer at a large architect practice in Manchester. 

Parent Governor
Nick Samuel

I am a father of three children, all of whom attend Holcombe Brook. As a parent, I am really proud of how well my children have settled within both the school and the nursery. It has been clear how much all staff care for the children’s welfare and education. Throughout the last few years, I have attended many PTA events and it is clear to see the value this has for the children, staff and the wider community. In addition, I have  seen how a strong parent community and Board of Governors can help shape, add value to the school, and provide more opportunities for all the pupils. 

Having over 15 years experience working within an education setting, I currently work as a Head of House at a high school in Lancashire. Furthermore, I also have experience of working the the 3rd sector for Home-Start leading on a project working within perinatal mental health on the Dad Matters project across Greater Manchester. These opportunities have provided me with transferable skills: data management, managing pupils and staff, knowledge of the education system and crucially, effective support for young people and their families. 

I feel confident that my previous experience – together with a desire to support the current ethos will continue to help shape the future of our fantastic school. 

Parent Governor Neil Ridehaugh
Earlier last year I was delighted to become a member of the governing body and have been proud of how Holcombe Brook has come together to deal with the recent challenges. My eldest daughter left last year to move to Woodhey and my youngest is in Year 3. I am passionate about how the school, community and parents can work together for the benefit of all.
I have worked for the Coop over the last 30 years across Banking, Insurance and latterly Funeralcare, specialising in People, Change and Project Management.
Away from work I like most sports and in my youth played Indoor Cricket for England and was club professional at Woodbank CC. Nowadays supporting my daughter’s football and the odd game of golf are my preferred pastimes.
Co-opted Governor
Debbie Garcia

Members of our Governing Body at Holcombe Brook are appointed, elected or co-opted for a fixed term. The Governing Body is made up of representatives from staff, parents, the community and members nominated by the Local Authority. The Head Teacher is also a Governor.

Main meetings are held in school each term following an agenda advised by the Local Authority.

Committee meetings are also held once per term and follow an agenda set by the Chair and Head Teacher. At Holcombe Brook we have two committees, a Teaching and Learning Committee and a Finance, Premises and Personnel Committee. Minutes from the latest meetings are available on request from school.

The main work of the Governing Body includes:

  • Staff appointments
  • Budget setting
  • Overseeing the policies of the school
  • Developing and evaluating the School Development Plan
  • Frequently review the Statement of Behaviour Principles
  • Overseeing Health and Safety
  • Monitoring the overall effectiveness of the school

If you are interested in becoming a School Governor when a vacancy arises please read our Role of Governing Body document in the first instance

The Governors of Holcombe Brook Primary School have adopted the NGA Governors Code Of Conduct

The Governing Body can be contacted by email directly.

Please find details of Governor attendance and interest in the documents below: 

Register of Interests Holcombe Brook 2024 2025

Governor Attendance 2023 2024

Schools must publish the number of employees who have a gross annual salary and benefits of £100,000 or more.  – There are no employees who earn above this threshold.