Electronic copies of all letters sent home, in PDF form, for you to download or share. Paper copies can be obtained via the school office should you need extras or replacements. Most letters will be sent home via the children on a Thursdays – but please check bags and reading folders regularly. We will usually accompany any urgent letters or letters with a short reply time with a text.
Everest Parents
NCMP Letter to parents – R&Y6
Staffing Update
Diary Dates for parents 2024 2025
Welcome Back Letter To Reception parents
Welcome Back Letter
Penalty Notice letter
Google consultation response Summer
Book Fair
PSHE consultation letter
Mobile Phones
Primary School Parents Regarding Measles
Key dates
Reception Questionnaire
Nursery Practitioner Job Vacancy
Transfer to High School
Virtual Friends
Governor Expressions of Interest
Online Safety
Deputy Headteacher letter
Year 6 SATs
Industrial Action Letter
End of Term 2022
Scarlet Fever
Heights and Weights Year 6 and Reception
My Happy Mind Parent Resources
Please read the following letter about MyHappyMind and how to access parent resources.
Charity Events
Calendar Dates
A letter about Queen Elizabeth
Welcome letter from Mr Westerby
Letter from Mr. Westerby
Rock Star Day – Monday 11th July
Returning of Reading Books – 1st July
Staffing Update and Dates!
Eid Celebrations Wednesday 18th May 2022
Summer Term Dates
Summer After School Clubs letter
Cool Milk
Mrs. Keeton Leaving
Science Week
Parent Survey Feedback
Easter Holiday Club
Headteacher appointment
Headteacher appointment update
Please read the following update on the progress of the appointment of a headteacher from September 2022, from the chair of governors and a short addition from Mr. Bradshaw.
Mrs Bailey Leaving
Parents’ Evening Letter December 2nd
4-7-11 Information
United Utilities Project
Please read the following information about the upcoming project that will unfortunately cause some access issues after half term.