6th February 2023
Outstanding Learners
24th July 2023Many congratulations to all of our award winners below during what was - I hope - a memorable last few weeks for our year sixes. They have been an absolute pleasure to work with throuhout their time here and on behalf of all the staff, thank you for your efforts and enhusiasm. Last Tuesday, they all attended the awards...
8th February 2023VALENTINESBAKE Feb 2023
5th October 2022Our brand new reception children were treated to an after school PTA party last Friday! They seemed to love the games, dancing and food and drink offer! A huge thank you to her parents, PTA and staff for making this happen! It will go a long way to helping the children to settle in but from what we have...
All Pupils, Enjoy and Achieve, Enrichment, Healthy and Safe, PE, PSHCE, PTA, Responsibility and Contribution24th June 2022A huge congratulations to all of our pupils for completing the trikidz challenge and helping to raise money for the PTA! Prior to each class starting the event there was a sense of nervousness and anticipation but they really gave it their best shot and helped each other along the way! Here is what TriKidz had to say over...
16th January 2022The whole school community were very excited this week to see the latest addition to our sensory garden - a brand new outdoor classroom and water butt! Our outstanding learners were the first children to set foot inside following their milkshake but we are all looking forward to seeing how it becomes utilised for many years to come! After school on...
7th November 2021It was great to see all the children dressed up and dancing to their hearts’ content! There were so many smiles in the room and the hall was full of laughter! It was a fab way to start what promises to be another memorable half term! The idea behind the sponsored silent discos is to try and raise funds for...
21st October 2021Please find attached the spooky silent disco letter and sponsorship form. I am sure your children will have another memorable moment and hopefully we can raise some funds for PTA too! silent spooky disco sponsorship form
26th April 2021Lots of children entered the fun PTA Easter activity competition and sent their pictures into social media/email! The draw took place on Thursday morning and the winners were announced on Friday in assembly. Here they are:
25th April 2021Following money raised by the t-shirt website and a toy sale carried out by brothers, Noah and Jack, I was able to take the previous and current head boys and head girls to Summerseat Garden Centre to purchase some plants for the sensory garden. The children listened carefully to the advice and shared thoughts on what they thought would...
22nd April 2021We hope your children enjoyed the PTA fundraiser yesterday in their brightly coloured non-uniform?! Here is the samba performance by the teachers that took place in the morning during the half an hour arrival time, for anyone that missed it! In Monday’s assembly we discussed the importance of smiling and if you noticed somebody didn’t have one, to give them one...
13th December 2020Well done to our ‘Best Dancers’. See below the video for session 3 which was 2 classes that took part in their silent disco! https://youtu.be/96KFURlxR4U
9th December 2020You may have seen the video for session 2 of our silent discos, here are the winners for best dancers too! We also had some teachers that won the awards!
3rd December 2020Christmas fortnight 2020