28th September 2023
Outstanding Learners
11th November 2022
5th October 2022Our brand new reception children were treated to an after school PTA party last Friday! They seemed to love the games, dancing and food and drink offer! A huge thank you to her parents, PTA and staff for making this happen! It will go a long way to helping the children to settle in but from what we have...
Big Ben, Eiffel Tower, Everest, Golden Gate, Grand Canyon, Letters, News, Niagara Falls, Sphinx, Taj Mahal22nd November 2021
9th September 2021Big Ben Autumn 1 newsletter
14th July 2021Staffing Update Miss Westwood and Miss Mulligan
29th May 2021This term, Big Ben class have had a busy term full of fun learning! In our PSHE sessions, we have learnt all about the human body including the different parts and their functions. We had a go at drawing around ourselves and labelling our body parts. In Science, we have been learning all about plants. We have dissected flowers to learn...
5th March 2021To celebrate World Book Day on Thursday, Big Ben Class have been making their own 'book character eggs' at home. Take a look at some of our cracking creations!
Big Ben, Community, Eiffel Tower, Enjoy and Achieve, PTA, Responsibility and Contribution, Stonehenge20th November 2020At the silent disco on Wednesday the following children AND teachers were presented with their Best Dancers certificates. To read more about the silent disco, click here
18th November 2020The first day of our sponsored silent discos seemed to go down really well with our youngest pupils today! The look on some of their faces when the music first came through their little headsets was magical. They were transformed into Queen Elsa, Moana or even a Ghostbuster! The favourites seemed to be Baby Shark, Choco Choco and Choo...
14th October 2020This week in Art we have created our own paintings in the style of Steven Brown.