The first day of our sponsored silent discos seemed to go down really well with our youngest pupils today! The look on some of their faces when the music first came through their little headsets was magical. They were transformed into Queen Elsa, Moana or even a Ghostbuster! The favourites seemed to be Baby Shark, Choco Choco and Choo Choo Wa! With some great moves on display throughout Shotgun, Dance Monkey and Can’t Stop The Feeling!
We played some musical statues/bumps and announced ‘Best Dancer’ winners finishing with drinks and snacks from the PTA. Thank you for your generosity. I’m sure your children will all sleep well tonight! We will certainly do this again as it seemed to be such a big hit and obviously there have been several children that have sadly missed it.
I hope our families are keeping safe and well. We are very much missing the pupils that are isolating and can’t wait to see you all back as soon as it is safe to do so. Take care and please get in touch if you need anything at all.