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Attendance and Punctuality

Attendance at school is extremely important. It ensures that all children can make progress and achieve their potential. Please support the school with this by ensuring your child arrives punctually at the start of each school day and that family holidays are taken during school holidays.

The School Day

Morning 08:50 – 12:00
Lunch Break 12:00 – 13:10
Afternoon 13:10 – 15:20
Morning 08:50 – 12:30
Lunch Break 12:30 – 13:25
Afternoon 13:25 – 15:20
  • In addition to the lunch period, there are morning and afternoon breaks at 10:30 and 14:30 (infants) and 10:30 and 14:15 (juniors).
  • The school gates open at 8:40 am. Children are expected to walk into school independently, in an orderly fashion and we appreciate parental support with this. Children are able to enter their classes from 8.45am to start some early morning work or to chat to their teacher or friends.
  • Children should not be within the school grounds before 8:40am as there is no adult supervision before this time, unless they are at the before school club (4-7-11).
  • If parents wish to pass a message on to their child’s class teacher in the morning they are requested to do this via  Mrs Howard or Mrs Bradshaw in the main office. This ensures that we know, at all times, which adults are on the premises. Parents are requested not to enter the school building before 8:50am to speak to teaching staff as they will already be supervising children in class.

What to do if your child is late, ill or has an appointment?

Children who are late should come to the main school office and report to Mrs Howard or Mrs Bradshaw where they will need to be signed in by the adult bringing them to school. They must be brought to the school office by an accompanying adult who will be asked to complete the late register. 

If your child is ill, please telephone or email the school as soon as possible. These absences will be recorded as Authorised. Once the registers have closed office staff will look at the absences and if no reason has been recorded, will contact parents.

Children who need to leave the school during the school day for an appointment must be collected from the main entrance by a responsible adult. 

Absence and Holidays During Term Time

Requests for absence will only be granted under exceptional circumstances. Please find more details in our Attendance Policy and ‘Absence and Holidays Guidance’ documents on the policies page, Holidays can not be authorised for any reason. This follows the Local Authority Policy on attendance in school. Where unauthorised absence is taken, a fixed penalty notice  can be issued.

Penalty Notice Information Leaflet

Leave of Absence Form

If you wish to request a ‘Leave of Absence’ from school in ‘exceptional circumstances’, please see the school office for the relevant form. 

Attendance and Punctuality Awards

We like to recognise good attendance and punctuality and do this via our regular Attendance Certificates for  individual recognition at the end of the year using bronze, silver, gold and platinum certificates based on percentages. The classes battle it out to achieve the best attendance each week. 

Holcombe Brook has a record over several years of ‘outstanding attendance’, a result of our strong partnership work with each other

Attendance Records Monitoring

Regular attendance and punctuality are very important and we are required to keep detailed records of all aspects of attendance. The Education Welfare Officer checks our attendance records regularly. If there is cause for concern, he/she may make a home visit or invite you into school to discuss the matter. Bury Education Authority will enforce the laws which require parents to ensure that their children attend school regularly.