Holcombe Brook Primary School Curriculum Statement
At Holcombe Brook Primary School we follow the statutory content of the National Curriculum. In order that our pupils are prepared for their next step of learning, we have worked alongside Mitch Hudson at Grammarsaurus to create a rigorous, ambitious and personalised curriculum which reflects our local context and ensures that our children have the knowledge, skills and social tools to succeed.
We are committed to providing a broad, balanced and inclusive curriculum which enthuses and motivates learners, extending and enriching their knowledge and understanding of the world we live in – so they are able to make a valuable contribution to our immediate community and wider society as they grow.
Our curriculum framework recognises that children learn best when they are actively engaged, can make links in their learning and are given opportunities to talk about and apply their learning in different contexts. As such our curriculum, in addition to meeting all statutory requirements, is contextualised and learning is enriched through the arts and visits to places of interest.
Literature and high-quality texts are at the very heart of our curriculum where books provide a context for shared learning experiences. Opportunities for purposeful cross curricular reading and writing are carefully woven into our planning to further enhance the learning journey, supporting children to secure their knowledge and remember what they have learnt.
Our curriculum is carefully structured to enable children to revisit key themes and concepts so that their knowledge is embedded and they move on to secondary school secure in what they know.
Wider Curriculum
We are immensely proud of our curriculum offer in music, sport and drama and have employed specialist teachers in these areas alongside our own staff to further develop knowledge and skills through a CPD model. As a result, our children are confident and the majority of our pupils, by the time they reach year 6, have represented school in several of these areas.