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SEND Information

SEND Local Offer and School Information Report

If you have any questions  relating to our SEND provision, please contact Miss McLoughlin or Mr Westerby via the school office. 

Please use the following link to access the Local Authority’s SEND Local Offer

Bury LA Local Offer

SEN Information and Offer

SEN Policy

Our SEN Policy can be found on the school policies page here

Accessibility Policy and Plan 

Please click the links below to access our Accessibility policy and plan: 

Accessibility Policy 

Accessibility Plan

The school recognises its duty under the DDA:

  • not to discriminate against disabled pupils in their admissions and exclusions, and provision of education and associated services

  • not to treat disabled pupils less favourably

  • to take reasonable steps to avoid putting disabled pupils at a substantial disadvantage

  • to publish an Accessibility Plan.

The school provides all pupils with a broad and balanced curriculum, differentiated and adjusted to meet the needs of individual pupils and their preferred learning styles; we follow, adapt and enrich the National Curriculum 2014 in a variety of ways: 

  • setting suitable learning challenges

  • responding to pupils’ diverse learning needs

  • overcoming potential barriers to learning and assessment for individuals and groups of pupils.

The school building was modernised in 2008 (provision of KS2 annexe) and there is a planned programme of improvements each year linked to the Governors Health and Safety audit, accessibility audit and School Improvement Plan. 

Drawing up an Action Plan

The 3 areas  considered in the school’s action plan are:

a) Improving Education & related activities

The school will continue to seek and follow the advice of LEA services, such as specialist teacher advisers and SEN inspectors/advisers, and of appropriate health professionals from the local NHS Trusts.

[See checklist provided on page 29 DfES Guidance “Accessible Schools: Planning to increase access to schools for disabled pupils”]

b) Improving the Physical environment

The school will take account of the needs of pupils and visitors with physical difficulties and sensory impairments when planning and undertaking future improvements and refurbishments of the site and premises, such as improved access, lighting, acoustic treatment and colour schemes, and more accessible facilities and fittings.

[See checklist on page 30 of DfES Guidance.]

c) Improving the Provision of information

The school will make itself aware of local services, including those provided through the LEA, for providing information in alternative formats when required or requested.

[See checklist on page 30 of DfES Guidance.]