Please find attached the spooky silent disco letter and sponsorship form. I am sure your children will have another memorable moment and hopefully we can raise some funds for PTA too!
Electronic copies of all letters sent home, in PDF form, for you to download or share. Paper copies can be obtained via the school office should you need extras or replacements. Most letters will be sent home via the children on a Thursdays – but please check bags and reading folders regularly. We will usually accompany any urgent letters or letters with a short reply time with a text.
Black History Month and Mental Health Day
September Timetable Update
Staffing Update Miss Westwood and Miss Mulligan
TTrockstars and Sports Days Letter
Woodhey Transition Day 1st July
After School Multi Sports Club
Letter From Bury Public Health
LA letter re:masks
Summer Dates Letter
PSHE and SRE letter
Please read the following letter linked to PSHE and SRE following the latest government guidance. Many thanks to Mrs. Leng, our PSHE lead, for all her efforts preparing this and for liaising with all teachers individually.
Easter Holiday Club Part 2
As well as our very own 4-7-11 club running a holiday service for the first half of the Easter break, we are fortunate that Mr. Cowling – who the children know very well – and his wife, have offered to run a club during the second half of the Easter holiday.
Here are the details:
Returning to school on March 8th
Headteacher Appointment Update
Mrs. Hughes’ Maternity Letter
Fun Friday 12th February
Please read the following letter and TTRS parent guide.
Letter from the LA
Please read the letter from Julian Kramer, Assistant Director of Education, regarding remote learning and the reopening of schools.
Support and Celebrations Letter
Please read the following letter about a regular zoom assembly for celebrations as well as a new email address that you can use to get in touch for any pastoral or technical support. (
Letter of thanks – Porch Boxes
Covid Letter from the LA
Bubble Closure 11th January
Please see the following letter linked to a bubble closure for children that were in school on FRIDAY 8th January and that are also in Stonehenge (reception) or Big Ben (reception/year 1). Following advice from Public Health the children and staff within that bubble must not return to school until Tuesday 19th January and isolate until Monday 18th January.
Covid & Critical Worker Letter 9/1/21
Returning to school letter
Christmas Fortnight Letter
French Day Wednesday 2nd December
Everest Self-Isolation
The Sphinx Self Isolation
Taj Mahal Self Isolation Extension
Taj Mahal Self Isolation 12/11/20
PTA Events Nov & Dec 2020
Google Classroom Letter
Today you should’ve received a letter today linked to Google Classroom, with your child’s username and password (Letter attached below). Here is a link to click which is an alternative way to find your child’s username and password too.
Staffing Update – Mrs. Lynchey
If your child is in Stonehenge class, please read the following letter.
Bury NHS Covid Update
Please read the NHS Bury Covid Update. So far we have received 30 negative test results within our school. Thank you to all the families and staff for being extra cautious and following the government advice.
Headteacher appointment update
Please read the following letter from Jonathan Haworth (chair of governors).
Covid Update from LA
Please read the latest advice from the LA regarding self-isolating.
2020-10-02 Letter to Parents Carers Final – updated.docx (002)
Harvest – Porch Boxes
Please read the paperless letter regarding a slightly different Harvest festival this year.
Covid Updates (NHS and School)
Please read the NHS letter and school letter carefully. Enjoy the weekend.
Parents’ Evening – October 1st
Year 6 Robinwood Re-arranged
Covid Update
Although I am still awaiting an email response from Public Health, I did manage to have a phone conversation with the DfE covid advice team, hence the update attached:
Returning to school in September 2020
Please read the important information which is 4 pages, the fifth page is a timetable on a grid. Thank you.
Spring Term Events Calendar 2020
Christmas Newsletter / Dates
Diwali celebrations in Everest
we looked at why Hindus celebrate Diwali, made some sweets and paper diyas.
Attendance Recognition!
Well done to all involved! This is a great achievement! Include, Enjoy, Achieve.