30th September 2021
Outstanding Learners
6th September 2021
12th January 2021Please read the following letter about a regular zoom assembly for celebrations as well as a new email address that you can use to get in touch for any pastoral or technical support. (holcombebrookhelp@gmail.com) Support and Celebrations letter
3rd October 2020Our 6 spent 2 days on their bikes trying to master the routines given to them by their instructors. The first session was spent on the playgrounds which enabled them to achieve level 1. If they were coping okay and it was deemed safe enough, they then ventured onto the roads where they were set their level 2 challenges:...
15th September 2020Please click the link below to complete an econsent form for your child to undergo the flu innoculation, which is specifically for our school. The link will be only be active until Wednesday 23rd September. 105311 - Holcombe Brook Primary School School E-Consent Link: https://www.nhsimms.uk/FLU/information?Id=105311&Type=FLU
5th September 2020The new sports barriers have arrived and new reception gate and concrete pathway added too! This will allow for reception parents to drop their children - if they are in Mrs. Lynchey’s - via one gate and leave through the other (much easier with prams too!) I’m hoping that post-covid, the sports barriers will still come in very handy,...
21st July 2020Please read the important information which is 4 pages, the fifth page is a timetable on a grid. Thank you. Returning to school in September 2020
6th September 2018Please take some time to read through our newsletter which will provide you with online safety advice for your child Online Safety Newsletter Sept 2018_Holcombe
All Pupils, Computing, Effective Learner, English, Enjoy and Achieve, Good Communicator, Healthy and Safe, Include, Responsibility and Contribution, Safeguarding9th March 2017This term our eCadets have delivered lessons in all of our KS2 classes and two whole school assemblies on staying safe online, being kind online and understanding digital footprints. Well done eCadet crew!!
Enrichment, Golden Gate, Grand Canyon, Niagara Falls, PSHCE, Responsibility and Contribution, Safeguarding, Sphinx, Stonehenge12th October 2016The children in Key Stage Two enjoyed action packed workshops with key messages about bullying, e-safety, rights & responsibilities and citizenship. It really was a memorable day. Thank you to the Police Officers and PCSOs for giving up their time to help the children learn so much but in a fun and imaginative way. A huge thank you to our...
28th February 2016TheUnderwear Rule-parents
20th November 2015Our wonderful e-cadets turned into teachers for a session this morning and Mr. Tyrell and Miss Jones did a sterling job of gathering the thoughts from Golden Gate with regards to e-safety.A really mature debate and discussion took place whilst the young e-cadets kept control of the enthusiastic pupils!In pairs they thought about what the Holcombe Brook E-Safety Promise...