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My Top 5 Fave YouTubers

My Top 5 Fave Youtubers

this is a blog about my fave youtubers. i hope you enjoy it.

no.5)  Fearless 

fearless is a gaming youtuber who puts LOTS of memes into his videos and is a great Fortnite player LoL  you sound like a big year old!

no.4) NoahsNoah

noahsNoah is a funny youtuber who ( like above ) puts allot of memes in his videos. 

No.3) RMGMrFreashAsian

Freash is a big sweat and is awsome at the games (he is LazerBeams secret wepon)and nearly won the world cup! 

no.2) DanTDM

dantdm is a funny youtuber who playes a variaty of games (most of them our funny/stupid games) and loves all of his fans.

this is what you have all been waiting for. the number 1 spot! it is…

no.1) Ali-A

he is my insperation ( i know he is a big meme) but he is awsome. he will always ceep you up to date in the world of fortnite.

That has been it guys hope you injoyd it. Goodbye My Lover

(kids. dont forget to sub to Pewdepie)