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Cuteness overload (dogs)!

Thank you for coming to look at my blog I have tried to make it good for all the dog lovers (I am one of them.

Jack Russell’s were originally bred in England in the 19th century to hunt foxes. Their job was to flush foxes out of their holes using their loud bark. Jack Russell’s can be quite vocal as a result, however they are alert and make great watchdogs. Jack Russells can make good family pets if they have been trained and socialised properlyfrom a young age. 

They can be less tolerant with younger or boisterous children and have been known to show their frustration by nipping.


Dachshunds are generally even-tempered and affectionate, which combined with their smaller size makes them an ideal companion for children. However, they can be vocal and snappy if play gets too boisterous so they’re usually better suited to slightly older children.


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