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Apprentice Pizza Project!

What a few weeks it has been! Golden Gate have been truly invested in this apprentice project. 

Green screen to create adverts, art and design for logos and pizza box decoration, maths for nets and costings. Today was the day the children finally got the chance to create their masterpieces.

Chopping, grating, spreading, sprinkling: most importantly – teamwork and fun!

I managed to sample a slice or two – the smell in the classroom was divine! Thank you to Tre Ciccio and Holcombe Brook Pizzeria for the kind donations of pizza boxes  and of course to all the parents and staff for providing ingredients and hard work.

Whilst I went round checking all pizzas were sliced and the children started to eat, one year 6 boy said ‘Thank you for letting us do this!’ Well done Golden Gate, you did me and your parents proud.