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Homeward Bound by Holcombe Brook Choir 2016

Lewis Golden Gate

David Golden Gate

Summer Golden Gate

Holcombe Brook Choir!

Cooperates as part of a team

Proud of their own and others’ achievements

Over the past few weeks, Holcombe Brook’s choir, lead by Mrs Geelan, has been learning some new material in preparation for some Autumn performances. This is their first recording of a song called Homeward Bound. It was traditionally written as an anthem for returning soldiers. The choir consists of boys and girls from Years 5 and 6 who rehearse every Wednesday. Several children perform outstandingly confident solos and duets in this piece. This recording begins with David from Year 6 taking the solo. He is then joined by Lewis, also from Year 6, followed by the gorgeous choir. Summer (Y6) ends the performance beautifully. I know the choir would love your feedback! Please share so as many people as possible can hear this amazing performance! 

1 Comment

  1. Wonderful. Love listening to the choir practising. They are all so dedicated and this sounds amazing.

  2. I am actually in tears yet again! Absolutely amazing voices well done children! ?

  3. This has reduced me to tears, so proud of David and all the beautiful singers, what an amazing job by Mrs Geelan – thank you x

  4. Wow I have just listened to the choir – beautiful and made me cry! David is my nephew so very proud of him!

  5. Fabulous singing to all the choir. A really touching song – very well performed..

  6. What a delightful and confident performance. Thank you for sharing it with us.

  7. How have I only just heard this? Absolutely beautiful and, of course, it’s brought a tear to my eye.

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