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90 Trees Planted!

On Monday, The Woodland Trust has kindly sent through 90 tree saplings. Today was a perfect day for planting, Mr. Bradshaw and JoJo planned the best area for them and began digging! We were then joined by year 5 and 6 and they loved learning about the various types of trees and the technique for planting them;using tools and compost, canes and tubes, to give these trees the best chance of survival. 

In science the children are learning about insects and also the Stone Age in history. Perhaps in a few years they will be able to come back and sample the apples!

It was amazing to see the collaboration and enthusiasm with one child saying,  “This is the best lesson ever!”

Well done to all who ‘mucked in’. I’ve a feeling I may be in agony tomorrow! See below for video and photos: