We have just completed our third week as Year 2s. Well done everybody.
We have been working hard in our Power Maths books, learning lots about place value and using it to help us with addition and subtraction. We are getting really good at using the part whole model to partition and create fact families.
We have continued with our book study and are really enjoying Grace and Family by Mary Hoffman. We have created diaries, pictures and postcards. Today we looked at how we can become story tellers like Grace. We used some special dice to start to tell our own class story. We looked at how our families are all different and created our own family pictures. Have a look at our display.
We know lots about Gambia now and have loved exploring maps and our new atlas. We thought about what it would be like to be in a Gambian market.
Our big maths lessons are becoming part of our routine, as well as our daily spelling and word works lessons. We are also now sneaking some words from our word works lessons into our writing in class to make it more exciting for our reader.
We have even started our Christmas cards! 😯
The whole team that works in Everest would like to say well done and keep up the hard work.